Resurrectional Troparia

These resurrectional troparia are normally sung on Sundays during the part of the liturgy called the "Little Entrance." They are also sometimes sung before meals and at the end of Vespers.

Traditionally, instrumental music is never actually in Melkite services. The tradition is to sing all the parts of the Divine Liturgy, as "we offer only our best to God and our best instrument of praise is the human voice."

Each week, the next tone in sequence is sung, returning to the First Tone after the week singing the Eight Tone.

On certain feast days, the appropriate festal troparion is sung instead.

First Tone

"After the stone was sealed by the Jews and while the soldiers were watching your spotless body, You rose, O Savior, on the third day, bestowing life to the world. Therefore, the heavenly Powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life: Glory to your Resurrection, O Christ, glory to your Kingdom, glory to your economy O, You who alone are the Lover of mankind."

Second Tone

"When You descended to Death, O Immortal Life, You put Hades to death by the splendor of your Divinity, and when You raised the dead from below the earth, all the heavenly Powers cried out to You: O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory to You."

Third Tone

"Let all in heaven rejoice and all on earth be glad! For the Lord has exerted power with His arm; by death, He has trampled upon Death, and has become the first-born of the dead. He had delivered us from the bosom of Hades and has granted to the world great mercy."

Fourth Tone

"The Women disciples of the Lord, having learned from the Angel the joyful announcement of the Resurrection, and having rejected the ancestral sentence, proudly told the Apostles; Death is despoiled, Christ God is risen! bestowing to the world great mercy."

Fifth Tone

"Let us, O Faithful, praise and worship the Word coeternal with the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation. For He was pleased to be lifted in the flesh upon the Cross, and to endure death, and to raise the dead by his glorious Resurrection."

Sixth Tone

"The angelic Powers were around Your tomb, and the guards became as dead; and Mary stood at the tomb seeking your spotless body. Then You despoiled Hades without being tried by it, and You met the Virgin, O Bestower of Life. O Lord who rose from the dead, glory to You."

Seventh Tone

"You destroyed Death by Your cross, You opened Paradise to the Thief. You changed the weeping of the Myrrhbearers, and commanded Your Apostles to proclaim that You O Christ God have risen, granting to the world great mercy."

Eighth Tone

"You descended from on high, O Compassionate One, and conented to burial for three days, that you might free us from suffering. O our Life and our Resurrection, glory to You."